Saturday, 12 September 2009

Lucozade Energy Drink

Lucozade has had a lot of publicity in the press recently. Not however in a light that one would expect. The Guardian released the headline: ‘The Lucozade bombers,’ to explain the terrorists who were caught attempting to blow up seven planes using bombs inside Lucozade bottles.

Patrick Barkham, from the guardian commented that ‘Lucozade is going through it’s own 90 minutes of PR hell.’ He also exclaimed that ‘one of its current promotions – “you. Your mates. Five amazing challenges”- doesn’t exactly decontaminate the brand.’

After reading this I tried to think whether this kind of press would decrease the percentage of sales of the drink or not. I personally don’t drink the stuff, and the thought of drinking a bottle would bring those horrible feelings to the surface. The current campaign – ’Get your edge back’- creates an impact, but cant really compare to ‘The Lucozade bombers.’ It will be interesting to see what their next campaign will entail.

1 comment:

  1. Great point. I remember when the bombers plot first came out and it was unconfirmed that they were using Lucozade bottles and yet all the news medias were using them. If I was head I PR I would have gone mental and given the lawyers a whipping! Ribena were also used but they seem to have got away with it more. I also noticed that the BBC don't mention Lucozade even if they show the bottles simply saying "plastic drinks bottles".

    Personally I think it's just a short term annoyance for a brand that is so deeply embedded in sport. Next year they'll probably push themselves quite hard during the marathon and six nations and in a few years they'll be all over London for the Olympics.
